Hi! I’m Gianluca aka GianArb, I’m web developer, works with Php, SQL and noSql databases and in this time I’m crazy for DevOps, Vagrant and Chef, than for manage this tool I’m learning Ruby.
Why this blog?
I’m opening this blog because my English is very terrible! I have an Italian Blog in WordPress but I’d like to use Jekyll and this is a good opportunity. Share my experience and my Job, to grow and improve my skills! Can you help me with my English? :P
Skills and interests
This is a list of my skills and interests that I am sure will be all topics for my posts, I hope you will enjoy reading them! Php, tech, html, css, js, Open Source, Zf2, Doctrine, Symfony, noSql (mongo, couch..), sql databases, Redis, DevOps, Chef, Vagrant, Composer, TDD….
Open Source world!
Community and Open Source are my passion! A community is a great way to challenge myself as a person and as a coder. You can find me on Github Account!
This is my face!