Instrumentation code is a first citizen in a codebase

27 May 2019 · Six minute read · on Gianluca's blog · Subscribe via RSS

A few years ago a log was very similar to a printf statement with a message that in some way we’re trying to communicate to the outside the current situation of a specific procedure. The format and composition of the message were not crucial, the main purpose was to make it easy enough to read. A full-text search engine is capable of tokenizing and indexing every message for easy lookup and aggregation and it was enough to fix the gap between a human understanding log and something that a program can parse and visualize. Cloud Computing and containers changed the way we architect, visualize and deploy software:

  1. The distribution of our applications. Compared with a more traditional approach our application runs in the smallest but much-replicated units (container, pods, ec2 and so on).
  2. The size of our application (microservices) and by consequence the interaction between them, over a not perfect communication layer (the network).
  3. Applications come and go much more frequently because we have automation that takes care of the number of replicas running inside a system. They are more dynamic and we do not really have a stable identifier as before: hostnames, IPs change more often.

These points increase the importance for us to get applications metrics out from our code because that’s the language our application speaks. We rely on them in order to understand what is going on. We need to realize that logs and metrics have different purposes:

They are not random printf. All these purposes require methodologies and tools. This article will stay focused on the first point: “What is going on?” because it is a question I ask even to myself when I look at the system I wrote or manage and the answer is a real pain to retrieve. To troubleshoot a system we need a very dense amount of information “almost in real time” because that’s when a system is broken “now” and a picture or a sample of older data in order to compare the current situation with something that we can define as “working”. We can not really use old data because our codebase changes frequently (because somebody told us that we can break and develop fast). So there is not a lot of value at looking at high-density data coming from two weeks ago where the codebase was different. That’s why time series databases as InfluxDB have data retention features built in to keep themselves clean. InfluxDB removes the data after a certain amount of time, but with Kapacitor you can aggregate or sample the data to an older retention policy in order to keep what you need in the database. Back in the day, I wrote this article about Opentracing and Opencensus. This is a follow up after another year of working around code instrumentation, observability, and monitoring.

First of all both of them are vendor-neutral projects that help you instrument your applications without lock you with a specific provider. It doesn’t really need to be a bad, evil vendor. If you use the Prometheus client directly in your code, everywhere, you will be locked to it forever or until you will find the right time to move over all your codebase. But it sounds like “change your logger”: something you would like to do magically, one shot without wasting your time.

OpenTracing is 100% for tracing, the problem it solves is about how to instrument your application to send traces. OpenCensus does the same, plus it also takes care of metrics.

These two projects have a major issue, they are TWO different projects. They were not smart enough to agree on the same format and it split the dev community without any reason, sham of you!. Good for us they will be merged together at some point to something called OpenTelemetry. Finally!

Another misunderstanding is around how tracers such as Zipkin, Jager, XRay advertise them self as “opentracing compatible”. When I think about “compatible” I think like a REST API that follow some rules, and for that reason, the SystemA is compatible with SystemB and you can change them transparently.

This is not what happens with tracing infrastructure, because you need to remember that OpenTracing and OpenCensus play in your codebase size, it is not REST or nothing like that.

Compatibility, in this case, means that the tracers (Zipkin, Jaeger, AWS X-Ray, NewRelic) ship an OpenTracing compatible library across many languages that you can change in your codebase in order to point your application to a different tracer without changing the instrumentation code you wrote.

NB: OpenCensus has the same goal for metrics as well

function initTracer(serviceName) {
  var config = {
    serviceName: serviceName,
    sampler: {
      type: "const",
      param: 1,
    reporter: {
      agentHost: "jaeger-workshop",
      logSpans: true,
  var options = {
    logger: {
      info: function logInfo(msg) {, {
          "service": "tracer"
      error: function logError(msg) {
        logger.error(msg, {
          "service": "tracer"
  return initJaegerTracer(config, options);

const tracer = initTracer("discount");

This example comes from shopmany a test e-commerce I wrote. In this case, the tracer is Jaeger, but if you need to change to Zipkin you can probably use zipkin-javascript-opentracing

It is important to evaluate an instrumentation library like OpenCensus, OpenTracing, OpenTelemetry because there is a community that writes and supports libraries across many languages and tracers. it means that you do not really need to write your own library, that sounds a bit like too much! I was very frustrated about the fact that these two libraries was TWO! I can’t wait to see how the result will look like. How easy it is to instrument an application is a key value for a company like and this sounds like a good reason for them to have their own instrumentation library (go, js, Ruby), and when they started the ecosystem was different (it is still a mess today as you read) but I hope that OpenTelemetry will push everybody to just work together because understanding what is going in production right now is a hard, messy and amazing challenge.

Keep instrumentation

The infinite symble

The ability to instrument an application fast, precisely increase your troubleshooting capabilities. Fast your iterate on your instrumentation code faster your will understand what is going on. It is not a one short exercise but it is something you improve everyday based on what you will learn. But your ability to learn depends on how well you can read the language that your applications exposes (let me tell you a secret, it depends on how well you instrument your code).

More to read:

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