"Some Days of work vs #JenkinsCI" Little things about continuous integration #ci #dev
— Gianluca Arbezzano (@GianArb) March 14, 2016
Guys please move down your hands, I love JenkinsCI! I am not here to write a bad post about it! I am here to share few days of reasonings about continuous inteagrations, Jenkins CI and all this strong topic.
There are a lot of tools that you can use to run tasks, ant, make, grunt. Use it to run section or all your build on your local environment, this appraoch increase the value your tasks becuase you use and test them more times. To have a reproducible build help you to maintain splitted your flow by your runner maybe Jenkins is perfect but the are other tools and services: Travis-CI, CircleCI, Drone, don’t create a big dependency with your environment.
A slow test suite is a bad idea, in 1 minutes I can maintain the focus on the execution but 5 minutes are a lot, you can take a coffé or start to think about another task and return on your old task require an effort. This several focus switch it’s not good, and at the same time you lost 5 minutes for each build and for every engineer after 1 week are a lot of money.
I lost more time about this point and I am not sure if it is a required point or not but TravisCI for example use a yml specification file, this file doesn’t describe only your build but it part of the story of your application, if you include it into the VCS. Could be it a value for your pipeline?
There are a lot of tools that you can choice to create the perfect pipeline ant it’s very easy lost your focus and start to use too much tools, you must try all but it’s your task to create the perfect sub-set of tools the point 1 (Reusability) increase the value, use tools that you can reuse during the daily work of your team to increase the develop and go the flow better. Each tools that you add seems perfect until they don’t becase a problem.
An easy way to decrease the time for your job is split it in different little jobs and run them in parallel, you can check the codestyle and run your test suite in the same time for example. Another good reason to create a scalable environment for your jobs is because your company would grow and the continuous integration system burns to helps it to grow and not to stop it.
Jenkins, vagrant, ant, make, drone, docker are only a list of amazing tools to create the perfect pipeline to deploy and test your code but they are only a means the goal is indeed the best pipeline for your code and for your team. Observe how your team works, which the requirments and criticalities and design the best pipeline for your use case.
Communication layer
One goal for your team is understand the status of the build without logged in any application, because enter into the Jenkins site (at first because it is not beautiful :P ) and it is another step to do other: create feature branch, submit pull request, write code lalala.. Use directly the pull request to create a connection with your job, you continuous integration system can submit a new comment or if you are working with GitHub you can use the status check, in this way you can help your colleagues during them work and remove a jump.
With JenkinsCi you can do all but if you lost more time to create your best pipeline? Maybe you don’t know it or maybe it is not the best tool for your use case. Jenkins is flexible, but the flexibility is only the number of plugins that you can install?
I don’t know I use it but I am happy to experiment and there are a lot of new technologies and tools that maybe can help us to do a good work, with or without JenkinsCI.
As a microservices
This is a summary of a pipeline, each pipeline follows this steps and from this point of view seems very easy! Jenkins, drone as very stong solution but they are all in one, if you follow this image it’s clear that maybe to create the own pipeline for your projects play with the LEGO to mount the best steps for your team and for your project it’s possible.
I am happy to share some projects to implement this approach.
Slimmer, proof of concept
I tried to create a runner for my test suite, slimmer,
to implement this thought with docker and go.
Go offers a lot of libraries and tools to create something in a bit of time and
docker it’s perfect because it creates isolated environment and it’s very easy
to scale with Swarm.
In practice at the moment this console app exec a build.slimmer
a bash script
executable flexible and versionable.
TravisCI is powerful but the YML file is it a good way
to describe a build? It’s flexible? Maybe yes but I am curious to try a “low
level” approach, because finally all becames a series of commands.
I created also a series of agent to trigger notification quicly:
slacker. You can use them to notify the
result of your build.
composer install
curl -LSs > ircer
chmod 755 ircer
if [ $RESULT = 0 ]; then
./ircer -j tech-team -m "You are a great develop. Your build works"
./ircer -j tech-team -m "No bad but your build doesn't work"
This is an example of build.slimmer
with an IRC notification, it is a PoC and
I prepared a little presentation to
receive some feedback and I presented it during a Dublin Go Meetup
I wait some feedback if you are interested about continuous integration and continuous delivery.