Happy docker's birthday and thanks

25 Mar 2016 · One minute read · on Gianluca's blog

News! Tech related notes are NOW published to ShippingBytes. See you there! I always felt this was not the right place for me to write consistently about tech and tools. So if you want to read more about that see you at the other side

Just a post to say thanks docker for your awesome community and happy birthday!

This week is the “Docker’s birthday week” and already it this amazing, one week of birthday, a lot of MeetUp groups this week done a Tutorial Meetup to help people to start with Docker, Dublin made it very well!

50 people to understand as docker and all ecosystem works and to eat a slice of cake (thanks WorkDay)

There are different kind of developers, I am happy to work and to follow each communities that provide a good tools and increase the quality of my work, I spend much time accross different team like doctrine, InfluxDB and I am very happy to see as Docker make a big effort to involve and to use its community.

I wase member of the beautiful mentor team (we will share a “retro pic” next month because we forget to do it) and I am happy to see that we done a good work.

Today we seen that also che community appreciate it! Happy Birthday and see you next month!

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