Hack your Google Calendar with gcalcli

26 Aug 2019 · Three minute read · on Gianluca's blog

News! Tech related notes are NOW published to ShippingBytes. See you there! I always felt this was not the right place for me to write consistently about tech and tools. So if you want to read more about that see you at the other side

I am pretty bad with meetings. I forget about them for a lot of different reasons, sometime I do not show up even if few minutes earlier my mind briefly remembered it.

Meetings are not my daily job, and I do not have them with a lot of different people: IPM with my team, one-to-one with my manager, various stand up. I can remember the recurrent one pretty well but it is still an annoying a useless exercise.

When they are not recurrent they are usually out of my small circle of friends and it gets even worst because I do not like to be late or to miss it! I swear I am not like that in real life! I am on time and I prefer to be there earlier.

Anyway! Ryan Betts VP Engineer at InfluxData shared a very nice CLI tools called gcalcli. I love CLI tools as much as I love API! Probably a bit more because they are the perfect glue between server side and the best UX ever (also known as my terminal).

A good gin tonic is great as close as my terminal

gcalcli is a lovely CLI tool that uses the Google Calendar API to help you to manage your Google Calendar.

You can do a lot of things: list, search, edit, add events and even more. The authentication is well documented you need to create a project on Google Development Platform with Calendar API access. After that you get your credential and you follow the link I just posted! Super easy.

When you are logged I wrote this system unit and a timer in order to check every 10 minutes if there are upcoming events:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/gcalcli remind

Description="Send notification for every meetings set for xxxxx@gmail.com"



The timer runs every 10 minutes this command /usr/bin/gcalcli remind. remind uses notify-send to show a lovely notification.

I set it up for my working calendar and let me tell you it works great! For that reason I was looking for a way to support multiple Google account, because I would like to use it for my personal Google Calendar as well.

There is a global flag for gcalcli called --config-folder, by default it set te none it creates a config file with credentials and preferences in your home directory. If you run gcalcli with that parameter set with a different location:

$ gcalcli --config-folder ~/.gcalclirc-anotheraccount list

The CLI won’t find the configuration file and it will proceed with a brand-new authentication and it will create a new file located where specified. Sweet! I did that trick in order to have the second Google Account configured and I have created a new unit and timer with the right flags and now I get notification from everywhere! So far so good!

Ryan allowed me to share a script he hacked called next, I have it in my bashrc

next() {
    datetime=$(date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
    whatwhere=$(gcalcli --calendar name-your-calendar agenda --tsv --details location $datetime 8pm | head -n 1 | awk 'BEGIN {FS = "\t+"} ; {print $5 " " $6}')

    if [[ $whatwhere =~ $re ]]; then

    echo "What: '$whatwhere'"
    echo "xdg-open $room"
    echo "xdg-open $room" | clipc

I use Linux, he uses MacOS, so I changed the script a bit.

xdg-open to make it to work with X, next gets the next closer meeting you have in one particular calendar (name-your-calendar in my case) and it stores on my clipboard (via clicp) the command to join a zoom channel. It is super when you are in a hurry, you will join zoom meetings in a second.

If you use gcalcli and you have other tricks let me know via twitter @gianarb because I would like to try them as well!

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