CNCF Webinar: Continuous Profiling Go Application Running in Kubernetes

27 Mar 2020 · One minute read · on Gianluca's blog

News! Tech related notes are NOW published to ShippingBytes. See you there! I always felt this was not the right place for me to write consistently about tech and tools. So if you want to read more about that see you at the other side

Microservices and Kubernetes help our architecture to scale and to be independent at the price of running many more applications. Golang provides a powerful profiling tool called pprof, it is useful to collect information from a running binary for future investigation. The problem is that you are not always there to take a profile when needed, sometimes you do not even know when you need to one, that’s how a continuous profiling strategy helps. Profefe is an open-source project that collect and organizes profiles. Gianluca wrote a project called kube-profefe to integrate Kubernetes with Profefe. Kube-profefe contains a kubectl plugin to capture locally or on profefe profiles from running pods in Kubernetes. It also provides an operator to discover and continuously profile applications running inside Pods.

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