Influx DB is time series database written in Go.
It supports SQL like queries and it has different entry points, REST API (tcp protocol) and UDP.

We wrote a sdk to manage integration between Influx and PHP.
It supports Guzzle Adapter but if you use Zend\Client you can write your implementation.
$guzzle = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$options = new Options();
$adapter = new GuzzleAdapter($guzzle, $options);
$client = new Client();
In this case we are using a Guzzle Client, we communicate with Influx in TPC, but we can speak with it in UDP
$options = new Options();
$adapter = new UdpAdapter($options);
$client = new Client();
Both of them have the same usage
$client->mark("", $points, "s");
The first different between udp and tcp is known, TPC after request expects a response, UDP does not expect anything and in this case does not exist any delivery guarantee. If you can accept this stuff this is the benchmark:
Corley\Benchmarks\Influx DB\AdapterEvent
Method Name Iterations Average Time Ops/second
------------------------ ------------ -------------- -------------
sendDataUsingHttpAdapter: [1,000 ] [0.0026700308323] [374.52751]
sendDataUsingUdpAdapter : [1,000 ] [0.0000436344147] [22,917.69026]