Git global gitignore

21 Nov 2013 · Less than one minute read · on Gianluca's blog

News! Tech related notes are NOW published to ShippingBytes. See you there! I always felt this was not the right place for me to write consistently about tech and tools. So if you want to read more about that see you at the other side

.gitignore helps me manage my commits by setting which files or directory don’t end in my repository. I know two good practices if you work for example on an open source project:

I follow this practices for all my projects, if you are Mac user you have a DS_STORE files, there is a method for exclude this file of default.

~./.gitconfig is your configuration file, every user has it. If you execute this command

$. git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

into this file it write thiese lines

excludesfile = /Users/gianarb/.gitignore_global

/Users/gianarb/.gitignore_global is my global gitignore file!

# IDE #


# OS generated files #
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